Soon 1-wire meteo station will start. They have temperature, humidity, barometer, wing gauge, and may be solar radiation.
All data will be posted on ( english ) and (bulgarian)
Soon 1-wire meteo station will start. They have temperature, humidity, barometer, wing gauge, and may be solar radiation.
All data will be posted on ( english ) and (bulgarian)
Now i explain why i have problem with my 1-wire barometer.
After few days i found one transformer from any pc device(i don’t from what, but over side write “ 14V 0.8A“ ) and i decide to make this transformer to supply my 1-wire barometer ..
And i put to this divice jack and power my 1-wire barometer and what happed !?
When I run OneWireViewer i found ALL is OK and program no say anythings Errors !!
All with 1-wire converter DS9097E !!!
Then I run Wserver and determinate – All Work very fine and program not say ANYTHING ERRORS !!!
Even Wserver read and DS18S20 !! I don’t believe because creator of this program sayd me .
quote: I’m not sure about the DS2438 and external power – but I _KNOW_ it will not read a DS1820 temperature sensor if it’s connected through a DS9097E !
This is e-mail is send from ARNE !
That’s ALL
Now i coment that circuit and pcb what i make !!
First thing is that when power supply to 1-wire barometer is supply with 20V and more. The stabilizer begin heat up and the stabilizer MUST be put over aluminium or other cooler ! But effect of that heating is very BAD.
Thermo sensors display not really temperature and not showing accurate temperature !!
And issue is supply barometer with 12-14V and u don’t have a problems with accurate measuring of temperature !
I will stop now and go to sleep :)
First i must explain what i make and then what is my problem with my barometer !
3. I make 1-Wire passive adapter
4. Now i ready to connect RJ-45 connector from 1-Wire passive adapter to 1-Wire Barometer and make my test ..
5.I connect 1-Wire adapter to 1-wire barometer and run „OneWireViewer“ (this without Power to Barometer )
6. All is Ok and „OneWireViewer“ don’t says anything errors when 1-Wire Barometer is not Powered,but when put Power
In the Barometer „OneWireViewer“ start showing errors
and i start to wonder what happed here !??!! Where is the PROBLEM !
In my Pc ? In my 1-wire Passive Adapter or may be in 1-wire barometer ? or in my Power Supply ? Where !!! That is the question !?
VR1 = stabilizer 10V and his output voltage is 9.99V
VR2= stabilizer 5V and his output voltage is 4.92 !
Power is OK ! All voltages is in norm !
When 1-Wire adapter is connected to 1-Wire barometer output voltage on one wire cable is 5.88 and range is 5.7 to 6V (I don’t know why)
And this is my multimeter my-68
This is barometer when Powered
That’s ALL !!! Sorry for bad quality of the pictures, but they maded with SonyEricsson K500i !
Thank’s to all who help ME !
Best Regards Mihail Peltekov
That’s ALL !